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European online law

European online law

Online expertise from Studio LTA

We all know that the rise of the digital world has changed the way we live and work. But did you ever wonder about the legal and ethical implications arising from this new way of life, whether private or related to your business?
The internet is certainly a brave new world and, to protect yourself, your loved ones and your business, it is important to know all the legal aspects relating to it. Even for something as simple as creating your own website, you need to know that, as the owner or manager of it, you are legally bound to regulate, control and monitor all the services and contents you upload and which you offer your readers. That's some responsibility.

How can Studio LTA help you?

Studio LTA is able to provide various online and digitally-focused legal services, from assistance and legal advice in the field of IT law, we can follow you and help you from the earliest stages of implementation of your new Web site.
It doesn't matter whether you are offering goods and services for sale via this online mechanism or if instead you are creating a social network; in any case we can help you keep on the right side of the law and work in a proper regulatory framework (Terms and conditions, cookie policy, privacy law, etc.). We will also be able to support you if your site is really a means to grow your web marketing, or use it to generate their own income through the web. Again, we are available to support you with a constant and careful technical and legal analysis so as to avoid any possible problems that could arise.

Get in touch

Contact us today for an initial consultation or a quick call.